A very determined and hard working individual! Always pushing herself and looking to improve. It's been great to see gymnastics improve over her time here at Crossfit Amsterdam. It seems the harder the workout, the more she just puts her head down and gets through the work!
What would be your dream workout?
I love a long chipper workout, especially interspersed with running. Something like:
TC 30 mins, for time:
Run 400m
50 box jump overs
Run 400m
40 heavy power cleans
Run 400m
30 TTB
Run 400m
20 HSPUs
Run 400m
10 rope climbs
When did you join Crossfit Amsterdam?
February 2020
How long have you been doing CrossFit for?
CFA is the first Crossfit box I joined, so almost 5 years now.
What workout would you want to avoid?
Words cannot describe how much I hate the echo bike. If there's biking in the wod, I know I'm gonna have a bad time.
Favorite Crossfit Athlete?
Jamie Simmonds. I love the energy she brings to every competition and she seems very down-to-earth.
What is the best thing you own that costs under $100?
A fluffy bathrobe that I received for Christmas a while back. In winter I pretty much live in it when I'm at home.
Biggest fashion mistake you’ve ever made?
I was a regular at heavy metal concerts in my late teens/early 20s and wore a ridiculous amount of black eye shadow. Back then I thought I'd nailed the "smoky eye" look, but when I look at old photos, I think I just looked like a racoon!
Favourite quote?
"If the world is full of darkness, make it your business to light fires"
Funniest thing that happened to you recently?
I have pet birds who like to hang out around me when I'm working from home. During a rather serious work call, one of my birds decided it would be a great time to do a zoom bomb and landed right on my keyboard mid-call. Everyone just burst out laughing at the unexpected guest.
If you could improve one thing about your crossfit existence, what would it be?
I love making progress and unlocking new skills in gymnastics, so it would be so cool to master a muscle up! One day...
Who are your three favourite bands/musicians of all time?